Friday, May 8, 2009

White Lightning stikes once more!

sometimes we find ourselves caught in God's beauty that reality sometimes slips through our thoughts.

for some reason last Friday i felt that way, in a way i still feel that way. so focused on one thing that reality hasn't slapped me in the face yet. i just stood there looking at an empty parking space. Jaw was dropped, not by shock of my car being stolen, but of shock that i took it so well. i realize that was grace from God. rather than being quick to allow myself to be consumed by anger, i was just mellow and really focused on God. It was like He truly was (not trying, but) intentionally saying, "Hey! wake up! Brian do you love Me? it seems like you do, so you think about me? Sometimes it looks like it, do you purposely try to grow in our intimacy? hmmm, let's see!...

i find myself calmly calling my dad and letting him know. One my way to pick him up, i find myself reminiscing about different things about the whole situation: what i could have done to prevent it, how i should have done this or that, i even found myself thinking about what I'd do to the person responsible, but i then cut myself off quickly before these thoughts could cloud my judgment or what God was trying to teach me. I thought wow Satan works fast, already clouding my thoughts. i then put my focus back on God's goodness and mercy that only my car was taken and nothing drastic, like my mom or dad. i even prayed that who ever stole my car would come to the saving knowledge of Christ and be saved!

I then picked up my dad with my sisters car (which is not in current use) we then take care of all what we need to do (insurance and calling the cops) and i end up using another car (for work and church)that i originally wanted to use only to find out that its condition is much worse than my acura.

I reminded myself that this station wagon was my first choice, lots of space, awesome sound system, and an alarm system that actually works! But God reminded me that just because i wanted this car first, He (GOD) gave me the acura instead. and with owning that car, (now that i look back) has taught me so much responsibility. I thought Amen! God! Amen that i learned so much through this car, its taught me and gotten me to places that have helped me mature as a growing young man of God. Whether it be me going to school, work, or church, or even the bank or mechanic, that car drew me closer to God and and into the person God wanted me to be.

I then could realize that, it was a privilege to use that car. Yes it's a inconvenience and I'm stuck with my sister's car that has more problems than she does, and yes i lost some valuables in the trunk, and yes my finances will take a hit to now taking care of another car, but somehow, God open my eyes to see above all of those simple problems (whereas Alex was just like, " why are you so calm?!?! you just got jacked!?!).

even if i didn't have that wagon and i had to revert back to hitching rides (ah the good ole days...reminisce with me Emon), then so be it. WHAT GOD SAYS WILL BE DONE. and from then (last Friday) to now, that is still what i believe and in my heart. i thank God that my heart was set on him and not on anything else. this also shows me that He is still at work in my life too!

when i was 15 God took away my first car and didn't bless me with another one until i was 20, five years of hitching rides. (I PRAISE GOD WHEN I THINK OF THIS) where was i found those five years? actively serving HIM! faithfully going to school, to church, being apart of P&W, be at home with family, when i even started college i took the bus! (haha loved it)

now 21, God has taken my car once more. and with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength i can still say...TO GOD BE THE GLORY! that's all....

Colossians 3:2 comes to mind, now, Thursday morning at work, i get a call from my dad saying the (almost) impossible, that my car was found and unharmed.

i get i bittersweet feeling, but more of a feeling of relief and satisfaction in God. my new challenges with the wagon would have to wait, because apparently my service to GOD with my Acura is surely far from over, so here's to another "?"-amount of time i have left to glorify and honor God with my car...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

just got pulled over by the police 10:27 pm March11, 2009

Getting pulled over by the police
For those of you that don’t know, I have never been pulled over by the police and given a ticket…ever. This streak was broken September of 2005 when a friend of mine was pulled over and I was asleep in the back seat. The police saw me and long story short, gave me a ticket for a “seat belt malfunction” in other words you the half of the seat belt that goes across your chest? Well I simply flipped it over behind so I could sleep more comfortably, little did I know, regardless of my comfort while sleeping in the car, the law says otherwise. So there you have it my fist ticket, yes I paid for it and its off my record, but still my first ticket.
As, time would pass I can still boast in God’s goodness and mercy that I have still yet o to be pulled over and given a ticket all at once.
Tonight I again was put in a similar situation. As I was driving home not too long ago I was but 100 feet from home and a policeman pulled me over. My heart beating a mile and minute, I didn’t know what to do so many things going through my mind: hands on the wheel at all times, refer to him/her as sir or ma’ m, turn off crappy radio, roll down window…ahhhh what do I do? Well with so much to do I ended up speeding on my way to Mexico!....j/k no (just throwing in some humor)
Well what ended up happening is I pulled over, turned off my poor excuse of a radio, put both hands on the wheel, turn off engine and back on to roll down window.
I turn to see a bright light in my face and voice saying “Brian, this is God it is time…” I like what? Really? (more humor)
The policeman asks me did was that you bumping you loud stereo? Immediately I thought no way, this is why he’s pulling me over? I am so innocent. Thank you Lord!
I casually say, “No sir, the red Honda civic that was next to me was, (really it was, I was next to him for at least a mile, I know it was him), but if you want I can turn on my radio and show you, as I reach for my radio knob, he stops me and apologizes and comments, I knew it! I knew it was the civic! I am sorry.
I say that it okay and attempt to start my car…and ya there’s more… my car won’t start and he’s still behind me. I am thinking aw man he’s going to think the cars stolen! Ah! Finally God allows my car to start and as funny as it was 100 ft later I am home, the policemen looks at me as I walk out of my car and only see that where he pulled me over was only a few yard from my home. I smile and thank the Lord.
Though God has taken away the fact that I have been given a ticket and now pulled over, I can still boast in my King’s sovereignty over my life and trials and blessings, I actually can still say that I have never been pulled over and given a ticket (all at once of course)
God continues to grant mercy and grace to me as I am out on the road 10:27 at night, things could have been worse, I could have gotten in an accident and not come home at all or even given a ticket for something else, but no God continues to teach me to trust Him in small tight situations like this and still find time to laugh and find the His humor in this situation like being pulled over so close to some (I should have ran home and hid under my bed hahaha)

All I can say is to God be the glory, great things he has done!