Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Past entries from Xanga

2004 i was about 16 i believe, enjoy this entry and comments from people i sure laugh at the way i use to write.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

  • I"M IN LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    WITH MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (ate geneyem stole this from me......)

    but anyways, two Fridays ago, or satuday....somehting like that- i fell in love with my wife! God is soooo Good! i would have written it soneer, but jus meditating over this for the past couple of weeks was soo exciting! Know this guys and gals heres my "two cents" FOR ALL THE DRAMA THE OPPOSITE SEX GIVES YOU...KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY MUCH AT ALL, WHY BECAUSE GOD HAS PREPARED YOU A SUITIBLE SPOUSE OUT THE SOMEWHERE! isn't that sweet? i'm soo hyped fro my wife and the life with her i'm gonna have. dont get me wrong, if u have the gift of singleness then God is still good to you and is still glorified, so don't worry abput it he'll satisfy in in some other thing rather than being married. But any ways i can't wait to meet her...maybe i already have iunno! i jus cant wait to get to know her and fall even more in love with her. I know now that even tho its ok to like gilrs now and hearts can be broken, i don't have to really worry coz the only realtionship that will matter to me other than my communion, with God, is with YOU my Wife! YOU KNOW WHAT- I"LL CUT TO THE CHASE! I CAN'T WAIT TO MARRY HER!!!! God, your so sweet! she's out there somewhere. i can't wait for HER!!!!!!!!!!! BUT YOU KNOW WHAT GOD YOU ARE SO FIRST THO, WAT I MEAN IS THO HOW MUCH SATIFYING A WIFE IS...SHE !NOTHING! COMPARED TO YOU! HELP ME IN MY PATH OF GROWING UP! I NEED MUCH MORE THAN ANYTHING!


You are so true I can't wait for my future husband and you are right again i don't have to worry about anything b/c all the stress that we add to our lives will never do anything but give you lines on your forehead. It's all worthless because no matter what the Lord already knows what's going on, He is preparing both, you and her, for that perfect timing that He will allow you guys to meet, fall for each other, and start a life as one. Man buzz it's so sweet b/c no matter what He is faithful and He will always give us the best...and His best is what what we think as best for us doesn't mean it is so...He knows us more than we know ourselves and He knows exactly who will compliment us the i'm loving Him more and I'm just going to wait for him...but other than him no one will ever compare!!!

that was ate geneyum's comment



that was nikki's comment

your growing up Bunz!! Don't grow up too fast. Enjoy this singleness while you can.

that was kuya yek's comment

Amen to that! Praise God that He has been growing you more and more. sorry that this is quite a late eprop to this post, but i just wanted to tell you that God knows exactly who you need for the future. He knows who this person is and when you will meet (if you haven't already). It's so comforting to rest in his sovereignty over our lives. Trust me, when God opens your eyes and reveals this person to you, it so very exciting! =) I am truly excited to see who the Lord has in store for you; I am equally excited (if not more) to see God continue to reveal His story for my life. It's all for God's glory! yeah! bye Buzz!

that was ate neen's comment


Unknown said...

oh brian...

helen said...

your blog needs updatin'. get on that, dude!

